The Kampong in Coconut Grove

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The Kampong in Coconut Grove

The Kampong is an absolute jewel off the beaten path in Miami.
Located off of Douglas Road in South Coconut Grove, The Kampong is literally a hidden oasis nestled on the shores of Biscayne Bay. With no large signs or national marketing programs, behind the large red gate (that you've probably driven by many times) lies a beautiful tropical garden.

The Kampong property was purchased in 1916 by David Fairchild and his wife, Marian...daughter of Alexander Graham Bell (he invented the telephone...that later emerged into your smartphone?)

David Fairchild (yes, of Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Coral Gables) was an adventurous plant explorer who traveled the world in search of new plants to be introduced to the US. Fairchild  brought back over 30,000 exotic flora and fauna for research and to cultivate in his gardens. Fairchild lived at The Kampong until his passing.

Saved by the Sweeneys in 1963, Dr. Catherine Sweeney preserved the unique plant collection and home, and later gifted The Kampong property to the National Tropical Botanic Garden non-profit organization. The Kampong is meticulously maintained and gives you the feeling you are strolling through South Asia. The property is a walkable 3/4 mile, with a beautiful path towards Biscayne Bay. On your walk, if you find ripe fruit on the ground, it's yours to take! Picnics are also welcome.

The Kampong is only accessible via appointment during the week, and guided tours are available Wednesdays and Saturdays until the end of June. 
Self-Guided Tours are available Mon-Fri 9:30am-4pm for $15, 12& under are free
Guided Tours are available September-June on Wednesdays and Saturdays for $20, reservations required.

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