August 2015 :: What's Going On!

By | 8:19 AM Leave a Comment
The Summer disconnect break has been going great and I recommend it to everyone to try! Put your phones, laptops, ipads away and open a paperback, read a magazine, have face to face conversations with people...enjoy the sunshine and beaches! Between my real job, work and personal travels and a few other projects going on, it's been lovely to disconnect from the blog/iphone world.
I'll be on the disconnect until further notice, so I'll leave you with our August posts, all in one, and I'll update as I learn of fun things going on.
Follow us on twitter @iheartmiami305 and Instagram @iheartmiami305 for the latest happenings and adventures around Miami.


Adventures/Day Trips:

What's going on in Miami for the rest of August!!
Friday 8/28: Critical Mass Miami

As always, check out our Miami Musts and Adventures in Miami for other ideas