Coalition to Save Our Libraries

By | 11:17 AM Leave a Comment
I know that nowadays with technology, everything is available to us instantly via our cellphones, ipads and laptops, and many people don't frequent the libraries here in Miami. Just because our libraries aren't frequented as much as the past, doesn't mean the county should drastically cut funding or close libraries. 

It seems that our local government forgets that as much as we want to be a "World Class City", we really are a third world city. Eliminating places where children and adults have an opportunity to connect to the outside world via books or internet at the library is only going to keep us on that third world city path. I'd rather live in a curious, and educated city rather than a city that spends tax dollars on sports venues no one attends. 

Libraries are central to our free society because at the heart of our democracy is free and equal access to information for all, regardless of race, ethnicity, ability, or economic status. Libraries represent an individual’s right to acquire knowledge, explore and achieve.

You can’t have a world class city with a third world library system. Libraries are inextricably linked to education and quality of life factors that are central to the future economic growth of Miami-Dade County. Libraries are an engine of our prosperity because a healthy economy depends on a workforce that is literate and informed.

Before July 15, Urge your County Commissioner to Restore Library Funding