Celebrate The Annual Stoner Holiday....on Floats
Floatopia 2013 is back Saturday, April 20, 2013, 10am
at South Pointe Park, Miami Beach
at South Pointe Park, Miami Beach

For those of you that don't know Floatopia is a social event that has taken place in Santa Barbara, Cali since 2004. The title "Floatopia" describes the main activity the event is known for—floating on rafts and other home-made or store bought floating devices along the coast and partying on the beach. Since 2004, Floatopias have sprung up all over the states.
We brought Floatopia to Miami for the first time last September and on April 20th we are bringing this floating party to Miami again!!!
No bouncers, no guest lists, no cover charge, no promoters, just good ol' fashioned fun!
Bring your float, raft, inner-tube, rubber tire or anything that floats and join us!
Note: Your "beverages" must be in discreet containers such as plastic bottles. Remember, NO glass bottles are allowed on the beach!
Invite your friends & like our FB page, Floatopia Miami, for more info.
Just like last time, please, please, please let’s not give anyone any reason to stop our fun! Get crazy…within legal limits. Remember we are floatOPIA, as the Miami New times pointed out, a type of utopia, an ideal community…of party people haha ;) …No drama, please. We are all one big, friendly, floating party family.
Please PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF, let’s be kind to this beautiful beach. Leave nothing but your float print. Some of us will be staying after the event to clean up the beach, please do your part.
We are very, very excited to be bringing Floatopia back to Miami again! THANK YOU ALL FOR BELIEVING IN FLOATOPIA MIAMI!
Peace, Love, Rock n’ Float!!!!
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