Fri 2/21: Welcome Back Weekend

By | 6:30 AM 1 comment
Another crazy busy week! Year of the horse...galloping off right into boatloads of work...those Asians know what their talking about. I'm sorry if you miss my blog posts in your email inbox, RSS reader and/or twitter!! I miss it too! I feel like I have five full time jobs, a full time eating and workout schedule, and twenty babies crying all at once (except I don't have babies yet). How does the Duggar family do it? Child labor.

Anyhoo, the weather has been beautiful,
the sun continues to SHINE, and Friday is finally here.
I'm off to Haiti for the first weekend of Kanaval (carnaval, carnival, spell it how you like) and will enjoy mangos for days, dancing my bunda off, and coming back deliciously tan, pics to follow! 

Flying over Port-au-Prince
Happy Friday to you, and I wish you an awesome weekend 
(away from South Beach unless you enjoy traffic and VIP Foodies EVERYWHERE!!)

All Weekend!



see above all weekend events!
As always, check out our Miami Musts for more adventures around town. Follow us on twitter @iheartmiami305 for the latest happenings and adventures around Miami.


Japolina said...

We went to Q at the SoBe Food & Wine Festival last night and it was great! I'm going to blog about it tomorrow.

Have a great time on Vacay!