Every Sunday for the month of August, Fairchild Tropical Gardens (open 9:30-4:30) will waive their entrance fees. I'm sure the park will be hot and packed, but you should still visit!! Dress comfortably (4" heels and tight ass clothes aren't really going to do you any well here), bring lots of water, and your camera!

The Kampong in Coconut Grove will offer morning guided tours in August
Saturday, August 6, and on Saturday, August 20. Gates will open at 8 a.m. and the two-hour tour begins at 8:30 a.m.
Reservations are required by calling (305) 442-7169. Tour fee is $20 for adults, $15 for ages 62 and over and students with ID, $10 for children 4-12 years, and free for children 3 and under (accompanied by adult)

Pinecrest Gardens still has their Farmer's Market going on Sundays from 9am-2pm, and for $3 you can go inside and check out their beautiful tropical garden!
Quit bitching about the heat. It's hot. We all know it.. Get outside and enjoy the heat, enjoy what our beautiful city has to offer!
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