The weekend has arrived Miami!
Hopefully we no longer have to hear any news/stalkings of the Biebs. Never realized how insane and L.A. wannabe like our media could become for some stupid pictures (seriously, helicopter stalking the car he was in for two hours..TWO HOURS!!), and really, with people in traffic, murders, drive-by's, robberies, cars running into buildings, crackies addicted to meth, pilot whales dying, Brickell groundbreakings, there is much more important news going on in Miami to pay attention to.
Total run-on sentence/paragraph, don't care.
Hopefully we no longer have to hear any news/stalkings of the Biebs. Never realized how insane and L.A. wannabe like our media could become for some stupid pictures (seriously, helicopter stalking the car he was in for two hours..TWO HOURS!!), and really, with people in traffic, murders, drive-by's, robberies, cars running into buildings, crackies addicted to meth, pilot whales dying, Brickell groundbreakings, there is much more important news going on in Miami to pay attention to.
Enough of my rantings, it's Friday!
The weekend is here, the weather shall be beautiful, and may you have a happy one!
Friday 1/24

Fri 1/24-Sun 1/26: International Chocolate Festival at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
Saturday 1/25
Before Central and South Americans, Caribs and Euros took over South Florida,
it was the land of the Seminoles (Indians..don't get carried away FSU fans, I STAND WITH THE U!)
Big Cypress Celebration's 118th Anniversary in the deep deep glades
Big Cypress Celebration's 118th Anniversary in the deep deep glades

Les Dames d'Escoffier's 5th Annual Giant Gourmet Garage Sale

Sunday 1/26

As always, check out our Miami Musts for more adventures around town.
Follow us on twitter @iheartmiami305 for the latest happenings and adventures around Miami
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